Hookah Bars are thus banned to operate in Chandigarh
Chandigarh.sunita shastri:
Whereas, it has been made to appear to me that Hookah Bars are operational in Chandigarh in a clandestine way, which are serving flavored Hookahs including tobacco molasses containing nicotine, which is highly injurious to health of people and at times there is a suspicion that apart from tobacco, other harmful narcotic chemicals are also mixed with tobacco molasses served in these Hookah Bars.
Whereas, the Hookah in many of these Bars is being smoked/consumed by the people/customers through a common bowl, pipe and a hose having mouth piece, which is susceptible to physical mouth to mouth touch of many persons, thus posing danger to human life, health and safety by becoming a cause of as well as leading to the transmission & spread of pandemic COVID-19 in Chandigarh.
Hence, the undersigned, is of the opinion that immediate prevention of the above said practice is desirable in view of the general health and goodwill of the public.
Therefore, I, Mandip Singh Brar, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, exercising the power vested upon me under section 144 of the Cr.P.C., hereby order that no Hookahshallbeserved for smoke/consumption in Hotels/Restaurants/Taverns/Bars/Hookah Bars, etc. The Hookah Bars are thus banned to operate in Chandigarh with respect to their offering Hookahs to the visitors.This order shall come into force from zero hours on 14.10.2020 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up to and including 12.12.2020.In view of the emergent nature of the order, it is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general. Any person violating this order shall be punished under section 188 of the I.P.C.