Chandigarh February 21, 2022
AKSHI GOYAL, Ph.D. Research Scholar of Department of Environment Studies, awarded with an European Aerobiological Society (EAS) grant for attending the 15th EAS Basic Course on Aerobiology (BCA) in Brussels, Belgium.
AKSHI GOYAL, Ph.D. Research Scholar of Department of Environment Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh, recently awarded with an European Aerobiological Society (EAS) grant for attending the 15th EAS Basic Course on Aerobiology (BCA) in Brussels, Belgium. The European Aerobiological Society (EAS) grant is awarded bi-annually to a member of the EAS for Educational Aspect based on evaluation of application form by five EAS Committee Members. In particular, she was rewarded with one of the five grants provided by the European Aerobiology Society, for a total amount of 2000 €.
The EAS is one of the most prestigious and respected societies in the field of aerobiology. This course was jointly organized by Belgian Institute for Health (Sciensano) and the Free University of Brussels (ULB) and European Aerobiological Society (EAS), Brussels, Belgium. The short-term course covered various topics including – sampling techniques, sample preparation and analysis, expertise in identifying selected pollen and fungal spores by light microscopy and an overview of the relationships between Aerobiology and health. The sole purpose was to gain diverse knowledge, learn new skills and interact with the global experts in the field of aerobiological research. This fellowship overseen by global experts in the field of aerobiology provided a great opportunity to work with them to enhance my scientific knowledge said Akshi Goyal.
Akshi also thanked to her supervisors Dr. Suman Mor, Chairperson, Department of Environment Studies, Panjab University Chandigarh and Prof. Ravindra Khaiwal, Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh for their immense support, motivation, knowledge and stimulating suggestions throughout her research work and motivating her to avail such opportunity.
Dr Mor told that PU-PGI group is largely working in the field on Aerobiology. Research in the field of aerobiology is currently limited in low- and middle-income countries like India and are still developing in terms of aerobiological competence. Therefore, the intended learning outcomes by this course can be applied to explore real aerobiological problems and related issues in India.