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Posted by Surinder Verma on Tuesday, June 23, 2020

BMS demands implementing Supreme Court Decision on Wage Definition


In the consultation meeting held by Ministry of Labour on Labour Code Rules, BMS demanded that the wage definition limiting allowances to 50% of total salary should not be freezed, since it is the mandate of the Supreme Court in Vivekananda vidyalaya case of 2019. Group 4 Security case previously has mandated 100% allowances to be part of salary.
BMS demanded scraping of spread over to 12 hours as majority of the countries in the world do not have provisions for spread over. Only overtime with double wages should be provided. Family should consist of 6 units for the purpose of calculating minimum wages. Wage board for Journalist etc is to be reinstated.
Division of metro, non-metro and ruralrates of wages will promote regional inequality leading to migration workers to metros for higher wages. Instead national minimum wage which is prevalent in half of the countries of the world is to be implemented in India also. Haryana- Jharkhand model of promotion from one category of skill to another by passage of time is to be adopted at the national level. Revision of minimum wages should be compulsorily once in 5 years unlike states like Delhi and Maharashtra which revised wages after nearly 20 years.
Regarding Industrial Relations code BMS vehemently opposed the issues of raising threshold limit on Standing order Law, Chapter VB etc. Provisions restraining strike, trade unions and negotiating union with 51% membership, negotiating council with 20% membership etc. were also opposed. BMS demanded removal of the upper limit and threshold of the bonus. At the same time BMS strongly felt that the bonus should be 12.5%.
Upon the demand of BMS demand discussions on OSH code and Social Security code were postponed to 12th January 2021. BMS vice president Shri Mallesham, Secretgary Smt. Nilima Chimote and Shri Surendra Pandey participated virtually and Organising secretary Shri B Surendran and Zonal Organising Secretary Shri Pawan Kumar physically attended the consultation meeting. Apart from BMS Central Trade Unions like INTUC, TUCC, NFITU participated. Employer organisations have also participated in the tripartite meet.