In response to the call given by Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh against the Price rise and
Inflation, today, thousands of workers staged demonstrations by following Covid-19
norms at more than 500 places including National Capital ,all State Capitals, Industrial
hubs and more than 400 districts’ head quarters and submitted Memorandum to the
Hon.Prime Minister and Hon.Chief Ministers of the respective States through District
Magistrate .
In state like Odisa ,Punjab,Delhi ,Andhra Pradesh,Bihar,Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh
,there was a huge turn out.
In 149th Kendriya Karya Samiti meetings were held from 13th to 15Th August 2021 at
Ayodhya and a resolution passed requesting to stop price rise and inflation and other
demands .As per the decision nationwide protests held demanding…..
1-To make a legislation to declare cost of production of every item.
2-To Curb the increase of prices of essential commodities and petroleum products.
3-To take steps to compensate the workers for inflation by increasing their
remuneration in both the public sector and the private sector.