PGIMER’s Neuroananaesthetist, Dr. Rajeev Chauhan, awarded for Best Research Paper
Dr. Rajeev Chauhan, a Neuroananaesthetist, working as consultant in Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, PGIMER Chandigarh has been awarded with Best research paper in the field of Neuroanaesthesia for the year 2020-21 by Society of Neuroanaesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC) and Indian Society of Neuroanaesthesia and Critical care (ISNACC) jointly during 49th Annual meeting at USA.
Dr. Chauhan’s study titled “Comparison of effect of Propofol versus ketofol on jugular venous oxygen saturation in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A prospective randomised trial.”
was selected by a committee of twenty five members of SNACC Society in America, on Traumatic Brain Injury patients.
The award was presented in virtual meeting organised on 12th September’2021.